Date Saturday, June 14, 2025 - Sunday, June 22, 2025
Coordinator Lisa Smith
Kenya - MOHI/Nairobi
Interact with the students from the Madoya school while taking them outside the classroom for experiential learning. Living in the Nairobi slums, this is likely the first time these students have seen how beautiful Creation is outside of the city! Exact locations are not yet determined, but options include: Karura Forest (nature walk, caves, waterfall), Nairobi National Park, Giraffe Centre, and/or the Elephant Orphanage. The team will also experience the children's neighborhood within the Mathare Valley slum area. If a child sponsor is on the team, the MOHI staff will work with us to organize a visit.
Application Deadline: March 15, 2025
Cost: $3000 (approximate total until flights are purchased)